Andrew will be running the Malibu Marathon
on Sunday 11/14/2010
I'm only doing the 1/2
so I'm not too concerned with the Carb-Loading
I'm just gonna keep eating good, clean meals,
keeping tabs on my hydration, and making sure I get a bit more rest
so I don't feel as wrecked as I did 2 weeks ago when I did
Andrew loves pasta
in any shape, form, and preparation
So I decided to make him one of the dishes that my Grandma would make
for my brother when he was in junior high/high school
and participating in every sport that fit into his schedule
Marathon Men and teenage boys have 2 things in common
A never ending appetite
and a never ending pile of sweaty clothes and socks
I only have the never ending pile of sweaty clothes and socks
in common with them.
The greatest thing about this dish
is that it's inexpensive
and can be made with wonderful ingredients
to ensure the best of both worlds
Nutritional Value and Flavor
As always
start with fresh, high quality ingredients
In the cast iron skillet
fresh red and green bell peppers; fresh yellow onions; fresh green onions, fresh garlic, fresh shallots, fresh sage, fresh, oregano, some cumin, salt, and pepper.
The House Burger Blend from McCall's
to the veggies once they are almost beyond al dente
2 cans of tomato paste, and some more herbs and seasoning to taste
with some enriched elbow macaroni
and you've got yourself a whole heck of a lot of
delicious carb-loading goodness
that tastes even better the next day
Here's another Excellent way to carb load
while still incorporating fresh ingredients
that also ensures some nutritional value and comfort-factor flavor
Tuna Casserole
White Trash Done Right
Along with the usual suspects (white trash ingredients),
I use fresh, chopped spinach, fresh mushrooms, peas
and freshly grated Parmesan
I'm sure you know the drill
Mix ingredients, stick in Pyrex Dish, Bake,
Not exactly photogenic
but it sure does taste good
and it's pretty inexpensive
and, a little goes a long way.
I would love to hear about your favorite
Carb-Loading Meals.
Wishing You a Happy and Healthy Day!
Melissa Adylia Gutierrez
Owner/Personal Trainer