Saturday, December 14, 2013

Weekly Reflection Paper No. 10 of 10

Calasanz.MelissaAdylia 1
 Saint Mary's College of California
LEAP 198 Senior Project 
Student Supervisor of the Glendale Community College
Survey of Dance Teaching Methodology Class

Weekly Reflection Paper No. 10
What a journey this has been! Interning as the Student Supervisor for the Glendale Community College DANCE 107, Survey of Dance Teaching Methodology Class 2013 Fall Semester has been an exciting ride. When I first began on this journey I had no idea how much I was going to learn, how hard I was going to be inspired to work, and how much I was going to enjoy the process. I also had no idea how excited I was going to become about watching the students in the class as they too began a journey that would reveal their strengths, weaknesses, and work ethic. However, what I cherish the most is the mentorship I had from Dora Krannig.
As I type this, I am becoming a bit emotional. I have become very attached to the inspiring nature and impeccable work ethic of a woman, Dora Krannig, who had the faith in me to take on challenging tasks such as creating rubrics, lesson plans, assignments, etc., and to know the documents I created have met her approval. In fact, we met with Dr. Peter Green, the Glendale Community College Division Chair of Visual and Performing Arts, on Monday, after I had turned in a portfolio containing all the documents I had created throughout this internship. When we sat to speak with him, Dora presented my portfolio to Dr. Green “to brag about my intern.” I cannot express the pride I felt at that moment!
On Wednesday, the Glendale Community College instructor of Child Development and Dance, Roberta Wolin-Tupas stopped by the office while I was having my bi-weekly meeting with Dora. Dora presented my portfolio to Roberta, saying “she is doing Masters work!” To which Roberta repied, “Yes! This is excellent! You should hire her!” After which, the three of us began a discussion about the Masters Degree requirement that is now the minimum credential to become employed in the dance department at Glendale Community College.
After Roberta left, Dora and I continued to discuss the options I’ve been considering in regards to pursuing a Masters degree. The topic of pursuing a Masters has been my biggest frustration over the past few weeks. As much as I’ve loved everything about what I have been doing throughout my internship, as much as I know I’ve done an exceptional job, and as much as I would love to teach a class like this, I know that to invest in a Masters in Dance would not be a good financial investment on the return. I would much rather pursue a Maters in Kinesiology, or a Masters Certificate in Gerontology in order to bridge the gap between dance and the world of health and fitness. Dora informed that that if I pursue the Masters Certificate in Gerontology, there is a greater chance I could be brought on to teach a Dance Teaching Methodology Class for Older Populations or something to that nature.
Though I am still up in the air regarding what to do after I receive my BA from the LEAP Program, the knowledge I have gained during this internship has been worth more than I can ever imagine! I now have an impeccable portfolio that contains an abundance of lesson plans, rubrics, study guides, and so much more. I have improved my organizational skills immensely, have a greater awareness of the intricacies of administrative responsibilities of college faculty, and I’ve gained valuable experience mentoring college students pursuing an education in dance.
My last responsibility to Dora is to create a log for my hours, including descriptions of each task completed. Fortunately, I keep very organized and detailed notes in my daily planner, so my goal is to create a document that will be so impressive, that hopefully Dora will consider using it as a template for future interns to log their hours.
As much as I need a break, I’m really going to miss this! L I am happy that I will be keeping in touch with Dora over the break while I assist her with Moodle. J

91. Calasanz.MelissaAdylia LEAP 198
Weekly Reflection Paper Senior Project GCC DANCE 107 Internship

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